Something about synergy …

Writing in a group is an interesting phenomenon. The room is quiet except for soft background music, the sound of pens moving on paper, a once in a while shuffle of feet or turn of page, the soft swish of a forearm in rhythm with a pen. An occasional cough or sigh ruffles the air.


If you stop and sit quietly, allowing yourself to listen and become aware, several sensations may occur. First, the creative energy from the group can become almost palpable. Second, you feel a connectedness to your fellow writers.

You’ll notice the writers seem to be “in flow,” oblivious to the surrounding world, absorbed in their thoughts. Like a winning rowing team “in swing,” they pull their ideas forward with steady intensity. The emerging total creative energy present in the room seems to become greater than that of their individual efforts.

photoIf you haven’t had this experience and like to write, join a small class.

As the class writes together, let yourself feel the synergy.

And after the writing … there’s the reading together and sharing, another great experience.

(Pictured is the Trilogy Writers’ Group.)

About cmwriter

I'm a writer ... of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. I blog about writing, short stories, poetry, books, plays, and thoughts on life. Love reading and travel and being with friends!
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